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Charts & Downloads
A library of charts, spreadsheets, and data collection practices that I use often. Instead of worrying about making these for yourself, utilize these templates and help make your day more efficient.
Baseball IQ Slideshows
Videos, Slideshows, and Easy Posters that will help you and your athletes grow within the game. This assortment of media is a perfect way to add emphasis to baseball knowledge outside the game.
Video Library
I started creating my own workouts for athletes, and I realized that I needed a central drill library where I could share those drills for anyone that's interested.
Practice Planning
Any time I make a plan I type it up and save it. Some of them get implemented, others just sit in the archives. This is the archive. Workouts, Skills, Practice, Warm-Ups, and anything else I can think of.
Although this section is very limited (Just 1 download available). I am very interested in expanding it. If you have any suggestions, or ideas please let me know.